
What is Warehouse?

Warehouse is a commercial building which one helps to store of goods as securely. Importers, Manufactures, Exporters, Transport Businesses, Customs are mostly used warehouses.  It is designed for loading and unloading purpose from seaports, trains and airports. Most of the warehouses are located on large buildings with more spaces in industrial area of cities, towns and villages. It also has cranes and forklifts to move goods. Ware house is also called as store house, godown and stock room.

Types of warehouse

Public ware house - It is a business that provides spaces to companies which one likes to store them goods as long term or short term basis. It fees can be a combination of inbound and outbound transactions and storage fees. 

Private warehouse - It means which building are owned or managed by the owners or manufactures to store them own stock of goods. 

Bonded warehouse - It is designed to store the imported goods.  Bonded warehouse got license to store the stock of goods before the payment of custom duties. The importer gets some controls without paying the duty by storing them goods on bonded warehouse.

Government warehouse - It is mainly located in sea ports and it is owned by Dock Authorities. It fees fixed prices.  The authority recovers the fee by disposing the goods once the customer did not pay within the periods.

Click the following link Warehouses India to check the prices of warehouses


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